Before you start to construct your trading system, you must first think about what is the trading style that suits you better. Do you want to sit in front of the computer the whole day entering and closing trades on the 5 minutes time frame or do you think that trading on a higher time frame will suit you better? My advice to you is very simple and clear: always seek to trade on the higher time frames. It is easier to trade this way and it will make you much more money in the long term. If you are a beginner in trading, it is best for you not to day trade until you gain experience. Trading on small time frames carries high risk due to short-term random moves that are almost impossible to predict. Not to mention that trading this way makes you vulnerable against economic news events that come out multiple times per day and usually have a big impact on the small time frames. Even after you get more experienced by trading successfully on the higher time frames and you think you are ready to day trade, my advice is do not trade on any interval smaller than the 30 minutes. Moreover, when you do decide to day trade, consider it as a backup trading style, day trade only when there are no trade setups according to your system on the higher time frames. Always seek to trade on the higher time frame. Nevertheless, as I said before, if you are a beginner trader, and you probably are, I strongly recommend that you develop your trading system around a higher time frame like the 4 hours or the daily. Forget about day trading for a while. Build your trading system and trade on the 4h/daily charts until you start to add to your account consistently.