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33Inside A Traders Mind - Unlimited Free Download

33Inside A Traders Mind - Unlimited Free Download

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Title: 33Inside A Traders Mind

Author: Trends of Trading

Type: Trading rules 

  • Introduction

    Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned trader there are a certain set of laws you should live by when trading. I know you have​

    probably heard this saying more times than you can count “IT’S 90% MENTAL”. This old saying pertains to most things in life and probably is as relevant to trading as anything else in the world. It is important to have the correct mindset at all times if you want any longevity and success in the business of trading the markets. Trading is beautiful in many ways, yet it is often a lonely profession. It is you against the markets and even more so, it is you against you! Having the proper framework is a pre­requisite for profitable trading.

    Think about it like this ­ A car cannot be built in a factory if machines are not programmed a certain way first. A trader’s mind needs to be programmed as well. I put together a list of what I believe are indisputable laws which are essential to follow for anyone who is serious about the markets. If you dissect the brain of any successful trader I believe you will find these laws embedded inside them. Learn them and m o s t  i m p o r t a n t l y  c​o m m i t  ​t o  f o l l o w i n g  t h e m e v e r y  s i n g l e  d a y .

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